Air Cooled DX System Reducing DC Energy Consumption

Air Cooled DX System Reducing DC Energy Consumption

More and more data centers are using air cooled DX system to cut energy consumption. These systems use less energy than traditional data center cooling systems because they take advantage of the coolness of the outside air. Air-cooled DX (Direct Expansion) brings...
Gas Price Rising In Europe, Should Relocate Data Center?

Gas Price Rising In Europe, Should Relocate Data Center?

In the past few months, gas price rising in Europe, reaching their highest level in the past decade. This trend is expected to continue for at least the following year. In light of these events, should we relocate our data center to a less expensive part of the world?...
Audit Checklist ISO 50001 for Green Data Center Industry

Audit Checklist ISO 50001 for Green Data Center Industry

This audit checklist ISO 50001 audit is a self-assessment by which an organization can determine whether it complies with ISO 50001, if not, what improvements are needed to reach compliance. It can also be used to perform the internal self-assessment of your...
Building a Future Green Data Center to Lower Emission

Building a Future Green Data Center to Lower Emission

The future green data center may be closer than you think. Server virtualization allows many virtual machines to run on a single physical server, reducing overall energy use while increasing efficiency and speed. Future Green Data Center A future green data center is...
Mission Critical Data Center Design Focusing on Flexibility

Mission Critical Data Center Design Focusing on Flexibility

Mission Critical Data Center is designed to be reliable and secure, which means they are required to fulfill the demands of 24/7 operation. This can cause issues with the volatile nature of technology, which is constantly changing and evolving. The data center market...